Amrit Sanskar

Amrit Sanchar or the Amrit ceremony is the Sikh ceremony of initiation or baptism. This practice has been in existence since the times of Guru Nanak Dev (1469–1539). During that time-period, this ceremony was known as Charan Amrit or Charan Pahul or the Pag Pahul, the words Charan and Pag both signifying the foot of the teacher. During that period, the Guru would touch a container in which there was water and initiates would drink this water to be taken into the fold. When the Guru was not present, the masands or the local sangat leaders officiated. A reference to initiation by Charan Amrit occurs in Bhai Gurdas, Varan, I.23, born 12 years after the death of Guru Nanak. The water bowl was touched by the Guru's foot and then the devotees would drink it and seek blessings of the Guru. The Guru would guide the Sikhs about the Sikh teachings and instruct them to adopt them as a way of life.

Khande di Pahul (Amrit Ceremony) was initiated in the times of Guru Gobind Singh when the Guru established the Order of Khalsa at Sri Anandpur Sahib on the day of Baisakhi in 1699. Guru Gobind Singh asked a gathering of Sikhs, who was prepared to die for God? My sword needs a head. At first, the people hesitated, and then one man stepped forward, this repeated another 4 times until there were 5 men. Guru Gobind Singh cut there heads off in front of the congregation. Guru Gobind Singh dressed them in banas (warrior clothing). Guru Ji then did ardaas and shouted 'OUTTO!', which translates to 'UP!'. Then the men stood up fully breathing.

There is alot of dispute over this story, however, this story was witnessed by a muslim spy working for the emperor. who also after seeing this became babtised.

These five men came to be known as Panj Piaress or the Beloved Five. These five were initiated into the Khalsa by receiving Amrit. These five were Bhai Daya Singh, Bhai Mukham Singh, Bhai Sahib Singh, Bhai Dharam Singh and Bhai Himmat Singh. Sikh men were then given the name "Singh" meaning "lion" and the women received the last name "Kaur" meaning "princess"

Khande Di Pahul not only embodies the primary objects of Sikh faith and the promises connected therewith, but also is itself a promise to lead a pure and pious life to unite with Almighty Lord. It is about inward cleansing of the conscience and seeking unity with Supreme Lord through His Grace. The word Pahul is a derivative from the substantive, Pahu- which is an agent which brightens, accelerates or sharpens the potentialities of a given object.



Amrit Chhakhna

It denotes the drinking of the Amrit or the Nectar. The Amrit is administered in the presence of the holy text of the Sikhs, the Guru Granth Sahib. The candidates take full bath, wear the five 5 Ks and present themselves before the Guru Granth Sahib for initiation of Amrit. The five Sikhs, who represent the five beloved, who had led a virtuous life and have strictly observed the Sikh discipline are chosen to prepare and administer the Amrit. The candidates for baptism are apprised of the Amrit conditions for acceptance before the ceremony is started. They are apprised about the pure and virtuous life they must lead. When the candidates agree to live by the discipline and code of Sikh conduct, the Panj Pyares start preparing the Amrit.

A Sarb Loh (Iron-steel) cauldron (Bata or bowl) is filled with clean water. Some Patashas (sugar crystals/plums) are poured into the water. The Five Beloveds then sit in Vir Asan (sit on ground with left knee down and the right knee up) around the cauldron.

The mixture is stirred with a Khanda while the Panj Piaress recite path of five Banis (Japji Sahib, Jaap Sahib, Sawayae, Chaupai Sahib and Anand Sahib) from Sri Guru Granth Sahib and Dasam Granth with attention and full concentration on the Amrit preparation in the cauldron. The solution thus prepared is called Amrit (nectar of immortality).

The various ingredients and the aids to the preparation of this Holy Nectar are symbolic of a few things that are held in the highest regards by the Khalsa. The "Sarb Loh Bata" (Iron cauldron) signifies the strength of heart and mind. The chanting of hymns signify strong faith and cohesion in the devotees. The Khanda (the two-edged sword) signifies a spirit of valor and bravery.

Five handfuls of Amrit are given for drinking, five handfuls are sprinkled over the hair and another five are sprinkled into the eyes of each of the devotee who offer to be initiated.

In this religion, it is believed that it should not be taken into mind that Amrit Chhakhna is the end purpose. It is the start of journey on a right path to attain pure and pious life which is essential to attain God (according to the Guru Granth Sahib. It is not something external.

Every Sikh is under an obligation and is required to submit himself to the order of the Khalsa. This can happen at any age and anytime they feel ready to fulfill their religious duties without fail. This is a pledge to remain under control, governess of the Ultimate reality. Amritdhari is the honour of being a member of the Panth (a disciplined force of the God).

A Sikh must live life according to terms of Sikhism. There is general understanding that novice must have "lent period" during which he must prepare to go the way of Guru and a voluntary firm decision to change life style and must not be desirous and willing to live by the values and virtues of Gurmat. Then and then only, the novice will become worthy to get the gift of Almighty Lord's grace and attain eternal unity.

Some people are of the view that initiation may be administered to a boy or girl when he or she reaches an intelligent age.

According to Bhai Gurdas,

"Whosoever gets initiation of the Guru and follows the Guru’s instructions is in fact a real Sikh"
- (Bhai Gurdas Var 3.11)
"The life may become successful and blessed, if you take Amrit of double edged sword"
- (Bhai Gurdas Var 41)

Directions to the Amrit Ceremony

Macauliffe writes,

"The Guru caused his five faithful Sikhs to stand up. He put pure water into an iron vessel and stirred it with a Khanda or two edged sword. He then repeated over it the sacred verses which he appointed for the ceremony , namely, the Japji, the Jaap, Guru Amar Das's Anand, and certain swaiyas or quatrains of his own composition."
-The Sikh Religion by M.A. Macauliffe, V-5, p.94

The person being initiated "Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh". The salutation is repeated and the holy water is sprinkled on their eyes and hair, five times. The remainder of the nectar is shared by all receiving the initiation, all drinking from the same bowl.

After this, all those taking part in the ceremony recite the Mool Mantra and they are injected into the Khalsa Brotherhood.

Does Amrit Sanchar constitute ritualism?

One who performs this external gesture without inner commitment to the ideas being expressed under philosophy of Amrit, is performing ritual. Without practice of the teachings in life and without cleaning inside and outside, such like initiation will be termed as ritualism. The Amrit Sanskar ritual is not external. The cleansing of the soul can only be done internally by the subject himself.

Amrit Sanchar is not ritualism, when novice promises and submits to the will of Gurmat, leads clean, pure and pious life according to concepts and philosophy of the Guru and emerges from the ordeal endowed with a totally different being from that which he possessed before his initiation.

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